Potential advertisers are encouraged to read the page dedicated to this topic, which also contains a media kit, and listenership numbers.
US Media Coverage
- Fox Business used the cover image of Season 6 Episode 8 with Ayesha Tariq in their segment with Charles V Payne on May 13:

- DealRoom included the Contrarian Investor Podcast among its ‘best hedge fund podcasts‘, calling the concept “straightforward” and “thoroughly fascinating”:

- The Contrarian Investor was ranked ninth in the 20 Best Hedge Fund Podcasts by Feedspot (we also made their list of 30 Best Financial Market Podcasts at No. 21).
- Marc Chandler’s appearance in Szn 4, Ep. 18 was featured in Business Insider on July 12, 2022.
- Szn 3, Ep 25 with Simon Erickson was featured in Business Insider on Nov. 9, 2021.
- Abnormal Returns featured Jamie Catherwood’s appearance of Nov. 25, 2020;
- The third iteration of our Contrarian Investor Virtual Conference series received a lot of media attention:
- Fox Business News reported on Wolfpack Research’s short of Remark Holdings;
- The New York Post had a slightly longer piece on the same report;
- GlobalCapital.com interviewed J Capital’s Anne Stevenson-Yang after she presented her short of Staar Surgical;
- DealBreaker.com on July 30 referred to Season 2, Episode 23 with Enrique Abeyta in its snarky piece “In Honor Of Herman Cain, Former Hedge Fund Manager Declares War On COVID Almost Over.” (The story refers not to the podcast but the Forbes article that summarized it. Would be nice if they went to the source next time, but you can’t have everything)
- Business Insider used Season 2, Episode 21 with David Neuhauser as the lead for a July 2, 2020 story, “A 22-year market vet explains why stocks are headed for a ‘massive reset’ as the economy struggles to recover from COVID-19 — and outlines why that will put mega-cap tech companies in serious danger.” Link to story (sign-in required).
- ValueWalk.com also wrote up the episode with David Neuhauser (login required for full story).
- Bloomberg First Word wrote two stories on the stock movement generated by Contrarian Investor Virtual Conference No. 2 on June 3, 2020 (no public links).
- Business Insider covered Season 2, Episode 14 on May 7, 2020: “Chad Glauser has dominated his benchmark for 28 months straight using just 3 ETFs…” Link to story (sign-in required).
- Business Insider previously wrote up Season 2, Episode 12, on April 19, 2020 featuring David Hunter: “Path to economic depression and 80% S&P plunge.” Link to story (sign-in required).
Global Media Coverage
- The French-language edition of SputnikNews.com mentioned David Hunter’s podcast episode in an Aug. 5, 2020 story.
- Mononews, a Greek business language news portal, had a story on the Feb. 18, 2020 episode with Philip Reade on crisis investing. The focus was, unsurprisingly, on Reade’s bullish call on Greek equities. (In Greek, but appears to reprint a Forbes piece on the same topic).
- Finanzen100.de, the stock portal of German magazine Focus, covered the Jan. 23, 2020 episode with Peter Sainsbury on oil markets: Read it here (German language only. Sorry).
- PodNews.net on Oct. 10, 2019 wrote about the hard launch of this podcast. You can read the official press release on the launch of this podcast.
For media enquiries, please contact Michelle Lam of Bklynite Media: michelle@contrarianpod.com