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Tag: commodities

Gold Prices Set to Move (Even) Higher: Dana Samuelson

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Dana Samuelson, president of the American Gold Exchange, joins the Contrarian Investor Podcast to discuss why gold prices are set up to rally further — even after a 20% rise so far this year.

This podcast episode was recorded on Friday, July 19. 2024 and made available to premium subscribers the following business day. For information on becoming a premium subscriber — and the host of other benefits it involves — visit our Substack.

Content Highlights

  • Gold is trading right near all-time highs. Can there really be more room for upside? (1:48);
  • One thing missing from the equation for still higher gold prices is interest rate cuts… (3:36);
  • Another thing missing is fear in the market (5:07);
  • Gold has rallied 20% so far this year. A Fed rate cut will supply another 10%. $3000/oz. gold is in sight… (8:36);
  • What of the argument that there’s no tangible use for gold? (11:20);
  • Why gold coins are preferable to bars (14:30);
  • Background on the guest (19:39);
  • Quarters and dimes vintage 1964 are 90% silver (26:40);
  • View on digital currencies and Bitcoin. There is a place for it… (33:20);
  • How much of one’s portfolio should be earmarked for gold and precious metals? (37:15)

More Information on the Guest

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The Specter of Stagflation Still Looms (Szn 6, Epsd 8)

With Ayesha Tariq, Macro Visor

Ayesha Tariq, founder of Macro Visor, rejoins the podcast to discuss her views on the economy, markets, and where investors should look for opportunities.

  • The macro set-up and why people are talking about stagflation (1:56);
  • The K-shaped economy and the damage being done (3:31);
  • Fed Chair Jerome Powell claims there’s no stag and no flation. Is he wrong? (It wouldn’t be the first time) (8:50);
  • Faced with this backdrop, what does one do as an investor? (13:03);
  • China: There are still reasons to worry, even though the bleeding from the property market has abated a bit… (15:58);
  • India: long term growth story. Also copper, oil, and Japan (17:11);
  • The guest’s favorite areas for opportunity right now: UK and India (21:07);
  • A long-term concern is the fiscal situation in the US (22:00).

For more about the guest, visit her firm’s website or follow her on Twitter/X

Quick Video Highlights from our YouTube Channel

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Hard Landing for the US Economy, Mild Recession to Spare Emerging Markets (Szn 5, Epsd 23)

With Ayesha Tariq, MacroVisor

This podcast episode was recorded on Aug. 29 with a ‘highlight’ clip of the most actionable insights released to premium subscribers that same day. Premium subscribers then received the full episode — without ads or interruptions — the following day, on Aug. 30.

Ayesha Tariq, co-founder of MacroVisor, rejoins the podcast to discuss why she is expecting a hard landing for the US economy along with other contrarian views she has about the Federal Reserve and global financial markets.

Content Highlights

  • The ‘soft landing’ scenario has effectively become the base case. Why that’s wrong (1:32);
  • Unlike many (most?) recessions, this one will not be preceded by a Fed-induced credit event. For this reason, it will be milder (4:44);
  • The Federal Reserve is likely to hike at its next meeting on Sept. 20. That will be its last hike this cycle (8:53);
  • The US downturn will not necessarily lead to a global recession (12:58);
  • The outlook for commodities, specifically copper, is bullish despite the bearish economic outlook (18:48);
  • Rate hikes might be off the table, but quantitative tightening could still be incoming in 2024 (23:45);
  • New segment: Listener questions. Whoever’s questions are read wins a free Contrarian mug. First up: what to make of Nvidia and AI (26:36);
  • Next listener question: what to look for in bank earnings? (31:42);
  • One area of the stock market where the guest is particularly bullish (36:35).

For more about the guest, visit her website or follow her on Twitter/X.

Not investment advice.

Quick Video Highlights From Our YouTube Channel


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