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The Contrarian Investor Podcast Posts

Season 2, Episode 18: The Methods of a Short Activist Hedge Fund

With Gabriel Grego, Quintessential Capital Management

Gabriel Grego of Quintessential Capital joins the podcast to discuss his short activist strategy.

Grego finds three or four “high conviction” ideas to trade a year. His process is exhaustive but straightforward, though few managers have the stomach to replicate it. The reasons for this are discussed in the second half of the podcast.


  • How it all starts. Finding the right target is crucial. Grego’s focus on “extreme corporate catastrophic situations” (1:39);
  • Some of the typical “red flags” to look for (3:43);
  • Trendy industries are often clusters for fraudulent behavior. COVID-19 is the most recent example (6:01);
  • Narrowing the target list and creating a thesis (10:37);
  • The final step: “boots on the ground” research (16:46);
  • Background on the guest (21:57);
  • Activist shorting is “scary stuff” (25:38);
  • More terrifying than being a paratrooper? (27:29);
  • Background on QCM’s fund and current exposure (30:28);
  • How QCM has dealt with the events of 2020, including a rare (and successful) attempt to time markets in March (34:05);
  • Chinese companies traded in the U.S. look “very very interesting,” though Chinese fraud is “a different beast” (42:14).

More Information on the Guest:

Not intended as investment advice.

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Hebron Technology Shares Drop After Report At Contrarian Investor Virtual Conference No. 2

The Contrarian Investor Podcast, in partnership with and Breakout Point, hosted their second virtual conference today.

Shares of Hebron Technology (HEBT) sold off sharply after a presentation from Siegfried Eggert, CEO of Grizzly Research. “We believe the company is operating an insider enrichment scheme,” the presentation says. “All major transactions of the last year were announced and portrayed as arms-length, but we could link them all back to company insiders.”

HEBT opened around $20.80 per share on the NASDAQ this morning, already lower than yesterday’s close of $22.59. The stock sold off more sharply after Grizzly’s report, dropping from about $20.70 to around $17. At the time of this writing HEBT was trading more than 23% below yesterday’s close.

Update: Shares of Madison Square Garden Entertainment (MSGE) and Madison Square Garden Sports (MSGS) rallied after the presentation by Jonathan Boyar of Boyar Value Group.

Update 2: Shares of Vista Oil (VIST) spiked after David Neuhauser of Livermore Partners presented his bullish thesis on the company.

Update 3: At least one law firm has announced an “investigation on behalf of investors” in Hebron Technology.

The conference’s other presenters focused on long ideas:

  • Andreas Aen of Symmetry spoke about Danish “mini-conglomerate” North Media A/S, which trades on the Copenhagen stock exchange under ticker symbol NORTHM;
  • Neuhauser of Livermore Partners also presented Solgold (SLGGF)

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Season 2, Episode 15, Transcribed: Chris Brown on Healthcare, Tech Stocks

Moderator 0:02
Welcome to the Contrarian Investor Podcast. We give voice to those who challenge prevailing sentiment in global financial markets. This podcast is for informational purposes only. Nothing on this podcast should be taken as investment advice. guests were not compensated for a period, nor today’s supply payment in order to appear. Individuals on this podcast may hold positions and securities that are discussed. This is our urge to educate themselves and make their own decisions. Now, here’s your host, Mr. Nathaniel E. Baker.

Nathaniel E. Baker 2:24
Chris Brown of Aristides Capital Management. You are the manager of a long short equity fund. And interestingly enough, this fund has produced positive returns every year since inception in 2008. And I wanted to get your views here on a number of things. First of which is the fact that if I understood correctly, you are now bearish on two sectors that have done very well over the last month and that people seem to To believe, will continue to do well regardless of what happens in the broader economy. I’m talking here about tech it, and healthcare. And especially in the case of healthcare, this is something that is seen as being very much economy agnostic. Something that can, as I said, do well, even when the economy is in a downturn or a recession. And these are two areas that investors have flocked to in the equity markets over the last month or so, as I mentioned, but your views are different here. So I thought it’d be really interesting if you could share that with us.

Chris Brown 3:43
Yeah. Hey, Nat. Thanks for having me on. We’re, we’re working very hard to try to try to counter our record of not having a losing year. 2020 has been brutal so far. So yeah, I mean, I think we’ve always been kind of a very value focused, firm. And you know, for a long time, even before I had a hedge fund did my personal investing, I’d like to kind of buy the assets that were cheap into, stay away from the classes that were expensive. And, you know, I think right now, it’s funny because people see an economic slowdown. And so of course, you want to like race away from things that are cyclical or that are economically exposed. And I think people are racing towards some of the things that are, you know, seen as more defensive. And interestingly, I think whoever tweeted that this is like if the Great Depression and the NASDAQ bubble had a baby was just so spot on with that, because that’s kind of that’s what you’re seeing.

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