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Tag: India

The Specter of Stagflation Still Looms (Szn 6, Epsd 8)

With Ayesha Tariq, Macro Visor

Ayesha Tariq, founder of Macro Visor, rejoins the podcast to discuss her views on the economy, markets, and where investors should look for opportunities.

  • The macro set-up and why people are talking about stagflation (1:56);
  • The K-shaped economy and the damage being done (3:31);
  • Fed Chair Jerome Powell claims there’s no stag and no flation. Is he wrong? (It wouldn’t be the first time) (8:50);
  • Faced with this backdrop, what does one do as an investor? (13:03);
  • China: There are still reasons to worry, even though the bleeding from the property market has abated a bit… (15:58);
  • India: long term growth story. Also copper, oil, and Japan (17:11);
  • The guest’s favorite areas for opportunity right now: UK and India (21:07);
  • A long-term concern is the fiscal situation in the US (22:00).

For more about the guest, visit her firm’s website or follow her on Twitter/X

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Opportunities in Emerging, Frontier Markets (Szn 5, Episode 27)

Featuring Kevin T. Carter, EMQQ Global

Kevin T. Carter, founder and chief investment officer of EMQQ Global, joins the podcast to discuss opportunities in emerging and frontier market stocks. His first lesson: don’t bother with the indexes. The real opportunities are to be found in individual stocks.

Content Highlights

  • The first issue with emerging market investing is the index. These do not accurately reflect the real opportunities (1:19);
  • Individual stocks, especially of technology companies, have performed far better than the underlying index (6:25);
  • There are three mega-trends that point to emerging markets growth over the long term (8:03);
  • South America’s E-commerce giant is not in any EM index. Neither is Brazilian digital bank Nu Holdings (15:14);
  • A broad discussion of China, where things are not always as they appear in the western media… (19:22);
  • Right now all eyes are on India. The story there is still in the early innings, but unfortunately options are limited for investors limited to US exchanges… (42:13);
  • Other markets in South Asia also offer compelling opportunities. Especially Bangladesh (48:58).

More Information on the Guest

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Szn 4, Ep 5: Opportunities Abound in Emerging Asia, with Herald van der Linde, HSBC

Herald van der Linde, head of Asia equity strategy for HSBC in Hong Kong, joins the podcast to discuss opportunities in emerging Asia.

Content Highlights

  • Emerging markets have under-performed developed markets, including in Asia — but this is not an entirely fair comparison (3:09);
  • What of the premise that much of emerging Asia are simply suppliers to China and therefore dependent on that country? This too is not so simple… (6:01);
  • Markets like Indonesia move independent of China and the U.S. With 250 million people, a growing middle class, and improved infrastructure, this is one area where there are opportunities (8:21);
  • Financial services still have ample room to grow in the region, with large numbers of under-banked individuals. The energy sector, meanwhile, is transitioning (12:45);
  • Background on the guest (19:26);
  • Consumers are a growing force throughout Asia, but individual countries have vastly different spending habits. An overview (24:38);
  • There is one country that nobody is really looking at in professional investing circles. The possibilities are enormous. That country is Bangladesh (31:55).
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